Get Seen
Prognosis : Innovation puts a spotlight on individuals and organizations that may not be getting attention—yet. Get in front of the innovators planning for and establishing new directions in healthcare. Our issues are distributed to the local physicians’ offices and incubators in the region of publication.
Prognosis:Innovation—The Website
Select pages on our website will expose advertisers to relevant content that forward-thinking entrepreneurs want to read and share.
Prognosis:Innovation—The Magazine
Each issue will focus on a region across the country. There will be print as well as digital editions of each magazine.
WE WANT YOUR AD TO PRINT CORRECTLY. Ad files with problems or last-minute changes increase the chance of print error. Please make every effort to deliver your materials on time and to our specifications in order to avoid issues or additional charges.
The most common errors are images not converted to CMYK, low-resolution graphics, text outside the safety margin, the use of spot or RGB colors, and missing bleed allowances. Please help us by reading the following information.
Publication Delay—By Design
The strategic decision not to rush the inaugural magazine issue as we focus on content partners and additional media platforms. Publishing in early 2025, with no change in pricing or spec’s. READ MORE
General Specifications
• SAFETY: 0.25” from trim on all sides
• BLEED: 0.25” beyond trim on all sides
• LINE SCREEN: 150 dpi
• COLOR SPACE: CMYK only; no spot color
or RGB
• ACCEPTABLE FILE FORMAT—PDF/X-1A: The press-quality PDF/X-1a must be made from a PostScript file with all fonts and high-resolution images embedded.
• Image resolution: 300dpi
• Line art, including text set in Photoshop: 600-1200 dpi
NOTE: Type will reproduce best if set in a page layout program. Make sure black text is 100% black and NOT made of multiple color builds.
Color space
• Magazine is printed in CMYK. No RGB colors. (Ad files containing RGB or spot colors will be converted to CMYK which may cause an undesired shift in color appearance.)
File Formats
ACCEPTABLE ad file formats:
• Adobe Products Acrobat (Press-quality PDF files with fonts embedded). Generate one ad per pdf file.
• InDesign (INDD with accompanying links and fonts included)
• Illustrator (EPS or AI files—with accompanying links and fonts included)
• Photoshop (JPG)
Ad Sizes
Submitted files must be at 100% of the ad size you are running via the dimensions shown below.

NOT ACCEPTED for ad layout files:
• Powerpoint, Word* (other than plain text), Publisher, Excel, Freehand, Corel Draw, Paint, Quark
*If ad submission is plain text, Word is acceptable. No artwork, no logos included.
• NO gif or png images accepted; images from the web are not suitable for printing.
• Vector artwork should be saved in .AI or .EPS format with fonts and images embedded, or all images and fonts must be supplied.
• All screen and printer fonts must be provided.
• We will substitute with similar fonts if originals are not submitted.
• Text can be converted to outlines, but if proofing errors are discovered, new art will need to be submitted.
• Keep live matter at least 1/4″ inside trim dimensions on all sides.
It is the Client’s responsibility to check all ad materials—Prognosis:Innovation, aka the PUBLISHER, assumes no responsibility for errors in submitted ad materials.
Cancellation or changes in orders not accepted after closing date.
All rates are per issue. Issues produced quarterly. First issue must be paid in advance.
Invoice due upon receipt. Checks are payable to Prognosis:Innovation. 10% discount on rates paid up front. Discounts can not be combined. All major credit cards accepted. Advertiser agrees to pay all legal fees, court and/or collection costs on accounts delinquent over 90 days.
Advertising contracts and insertion orders with Prognosis:Innovation are non-cancellable.
Recognized advertising agencies are entitled to a 15% commission on ads placed at full rate card prices that are submitted complete and to the publisher’s specifications.
Advertisers shall provide PUBLISHER with appropriate materials within stated guidelines. Late material will incur a $100 charge. All ads are subject to publisher’s approval.
In consideration of publication of an advertisement, the advertiser and the agency, jointly and severally, agree to indemnify and hold harmless the PUBLISHER and its officers, agents, and employees against expenses (including legal fees) and losses resulting from the publication of the contents of the ad, including, without limitation, claims or suits for libel, violation of privacy, copyright infringement, or plagiarism.
Digital Advertising
- Block Display—(Vertical) 300px x 600px with a link to advertiser
- Block Display—(Horizontal) 300px x 300px with a link to advertiser
- Main Feature—600px x 300px
Sits at top spot of email message, 40-50 words of copy and one image with a link to a dedicated event listing [One sold per newsletter] - Featured Event—Includes 40 words of copy and one image (300px x 300px) with a link to a dedicated event listing
- Banner—600px x 100px and links to your website
• File formats: .gif, .png, .jpeg with max file size of 300kb
• All ads must have a border or have a background color or photo/image which fills the entire dimensions of the ad
• Link (URL) to your website, promotional materials, etc. must be provided; text up to 50 characters
Digital ad files should be uploaded to Drive. Contact us for link (use form below).
Please submit any production/ad file questions via the form link below as well.
Ad sales:
Michael Schmanske / 610-529-5319