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MindTrace neurology software


Neurological software tools provide patients the confidence they will be the same person coming out of brain surgery as they were going in.

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Neurosurgical interventions to remove brain tumors or treat medically refractory epilepsy strive to not cause post-operative cognitive deficits in patients. However, as many as 4 in 5 neurosurgery patients self-report a post-operative deficit that negatively affects their quality of life.

MindTrace has developed software that protects a neurosurgery patient’s mind. 

Patients want confidence they will be the same person coming out of brain surgery as they were going into surgery—and clinical teams want to quantify the tradeoffs of taking different surgical routes.

MindTrace addresses this critical need by co-registering neuroimaging and behavioral data to create a new type of evidence that reduces uncertainty associated with neurosurgery. The platform is software as a medical device (SaMD) and leverages AI/ML to support pre-operative neurosurgical planning and evidence-based projections of post-operative function (e.g., walking, talking).

Ultimately, MindTrace enhances a clinical team’s ability to visualize and iterate on its surgical plan by exploring different paths of approach to a lesion, and the consequences of being more or less aggressive with the resections at the margin between lesion and healthy brain tissue.